JSCF229 (JSMT6101+JSMT4701+JSMT6501+JSMT5601)
SHOTS: 229s
JSMT6101: red tail to silver strobe willow red dahlia; sky blue tail to silver strobe willow sky blue dahlia; red tail red coco crackling; green tail green coco crackling; silver tail silver coco chrys.
JSMT4701: gold crown tail to gold crown silver strobe; blue tail to brocade crown blue star; red tail red dahlia silver strobe; blue tail brocade crown blue star; 3shots shooting up fast every time, silver tail to red green dahlia silver chrys.
JSMT6501: red tail to time rain willow red dahlia; sky blue tail to time rain willow sky blue dahlia; red tail red wave white strobe; green tail green wave chrys; red tail silver wave red strobe, green tail silver wave green strobe (alternately); green tail orange wave green strobe; purple tail purple wave chrys.
JSMT5601: red tail white strobe red dahlia; blue tail white strobe sky blue dahlia; brocade tail to brocade crown; silver tail to red strobe chrys.